Free-standing galvanized shelf from String System. Galvanized metal shelves with high and low edge along with a galvanized back panel. Vertical hook and double hook in stainless steel to increase storage. Leave your String shelves in galvanized material outdoor all year round.
Free standing shelf – galvanized

Free standing shelf - galvanized

Recommended price CNY 6,143.00
String® System的自立式置物架适合户外使用,同时也适用于小型阳台以及大型露台。置物架可完全独立站立,无需支撑,但如果需要,也可以将它固定到所站立的底座上。一个完整的自立式置物架组套由一块背板、两根立杆和两块高85厘米,深30厘米的镀锌落地支架组成。如需追加组套,则每个组套需要一根立杆和一个支架。对于由三个组套组成的自立式置物架,我们建议至少加入一块背板,位置居中为佳。加入挂钩可增加收纳空间。一个组套的置物架尺寸为:宽61厘米,高87厘米。